Traveling Light

Posted By: Dr. Frugal in Frugality on 11/19/2007 at 07:01:12

What does traveling light have to do with being frugal· Not a whole let...except for the mindset. According to the USA Today, the government has gone on record as saying (essentially) you had better pack lightly...and neatly. The frugal mindset is not one of "what if no one else brings Children's Tylenol PM and I'm the only one who remembers and save everyone·"--it's the mindset of "do I really need this· Really· Seriously· Honestly· Do I really need this· At least that's my thinking. My wife, an equally frugal gal as me, tends to bring most of her worldly possessions on flights. Well, most of the kids' worldly possessions (many). Good thing I pack light--at least one of us will make it where we're going.


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